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Regular Price: AED 19.95 AED 19.95
Special Price AED 15.75 AED 15.75 /pack /pack (Inc. VAT)
INGREDIENTS:-Fresh Chicken Wings,Peri Peri powder, Garlic, Sugar, Maida, Cornflour, Oil and Water
SHELF-LIFE: 3 days WEIGHT PER PACK: 350 gm Spice Level - 🌶 🌶
Cooking Instruction:
Unpack the chicken wings in a bowl and scrape the remaining marinade into it. Mix well.
On a pan: Heat up a non-stick frying pan, add a tbsp of oil and swirl around to spread it. When the pan is hot, drop the chicken wings into the pan and cook on a slow flame. Flip the wings regularly so that they don’t burn. When the wings are cooked with an even golden colour on all sides, remove from the pan and serve hot.
In an oven: Heat up an oven and apply some oil on an oven-proof try. Arrange the wings on the tray and roast in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 ° C.
Peri Peri Chicken Wings/أجنحة دجاج - بنكهة بيري بيري (350g pack)
350g Pack
350g Pack
Final price: 15.75 (Inc. VAT)